LSK Technologies in the News

You can find LSK Technologies in the following news posts. This blog will be continuously updated.

2021: This is the place to scale up virus testing

Portable diagnostic devices built by U of T startup LSK Technologies Inc. can diagnose viral diseases on the spot, even in remote areas. Link

March 2021: U of T Entrepreneurship Week: Six startups working on COVID-19 innovations

“The first versions of the device, dubbed PLUM, were deployed to remote Latin American communities to tackle the threat of Zika virus. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the company quickly expanded their platform to diagnose SARS-CoV-2.” Link

August 2020 Techcrunch: Our 12 favorite startups from y combinators S20 demo day part-2

“Theranos threw quite the wrench into Silicon Valley’s dreams of miniaturizing labs into desktop solutions, but COVID-19 has brought a renewed push to realize the vision of a device that can bring reliable testing into new environments.” Link

Feburary 2020: A 50% jump: Five early-stage startups take home a total of $300K as Velocity unveils its 2nd pre-seed investment fund

LSK Technologies (LSK), “a health tech startup from Toronto that is aiming to decentralize healthcare diagnostic testing, earned a total of $100,000.” Link

Blog update: April 19 2021

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Affordable Plate Reader in Field Trials for Zika Virus Testing: A Journey of PLUM Reader